0203 143 5051

Osteopathyfor Children

Children’s Osteopathy

Undergraduate study for osteopaths includes paediatric training. Osteopaths are taught to screen for medical conditions and your osteopath will tell you if you need to see another health professional such as your doctor or midwife.

Babies’ skeletons are softer than an adult’s and osteopaths will therefore use gentler techniques such as cranial osteopathy when treating babies, this can be especially relevant in the first few months as some babies can experience stresses and strains during the birthing process.

Cranial techniques are safe, gentle, and non-manipulative. They are often used when treating young children and new born infants. In the same way as adults, osteopathy can help relieve these aches and pains by using a combination of massage, stretching and cranial osteopathy. This can be a useful tool to help your little ones to adapt to the world.

Feel free to email or call us at Total Motion to find out more about Children’s Osteopathy or to book an appointment call 0203 1435051 or email. nfo@totalmotion.org. Alternatively, you can book an appointment online.



Get in Touch

0203 1435051



Open Hours

Mon – Fri — 7:00am – 7:00pm
Saturday — 8:00am – 1:00pm
Sunday — Closed

twickenham osteopath location

Total Motion Osteopath
145 St. Margarets Road