0203 143 5051

Cranial Osteopathy

Cranial Osteopathy

A gentle form of osteopathy. Cranial can be beneficial for individuals who don’t necessarily respond to solely osteopathy or find manual treatments too tiring. Often used for those with a weakened immune system, individuals who are easily fatigued and can be used also for treating children. Cranial osteopathy is performed by an osteopath who has received at least 4 years of training prior to specialising in cranial therapy. 

This form of treatment despite its name does not always focus on treatment of the head or cranium, cranial osteopaths work on the entire body and can aid in releasing stress within tissues. Often you may find your osteopath focuses more on treating your ribs, lower back or legs as well as the head. 

Feel free to email or call us at Total Motion to find out more about Cranial Osteopathy or to book an appointment call 0203 1435051 or email. nfo@totalmotion.org. Alternatively, you can book an appointment online.


Cranial Osteopathy can help to reduce the symptoms of:


Get in Touch

0203 1435051



Open Hours

Mon – Fri — 8:00am – 8:00pm
Saturday — 8:00am – 1:00pm
Sunday — Closed

twickenham osteopath location

Total Motion Osteopath
Sirisha’s Health and Beauty
145 St. Margaret’s Rd