What is Osteopathy?
A form of manual therapy that treats tendons, muscles, ligaments and joints in order to return the body to its optimum state. Whether the changes have come about from an injury, birth trauma, overuse or poor posture, osteopathy can benefit anyone from birth to old age.
Osteopathy uses a combination of stretching, gentle movement, massage and, if necessary, manipulation in order to help return the body to function in its most efficient way.
Although osteopaths are renowned for treating backs and necks their training allows them to assess and treat every area of the body including knees, hips and shoulders.

Sports Injuries & Health
Sports massage can help ease aches and improve movement, learn more about our sports massage service.

Paediatric Therapy
Learn more about our osteopathy for children here.
What to expect at your first appointment?
A 50 minute appointment slot is allocated. The session starts with a discussion and a detailed case history about your current complaint and general health will be taken. All information that you provide will be confidential.
Your osteopath will then examine your general posture, the site of the complaint as well as other surrounding joints and muscles. It is likely that for this your osteopath will ask you to remove some items of clothing. In order for you to feel most comfortable please feel free to bring shorts and or a strapped top that you will be comfortable to undress down to and make sure you let your osteopath know if you are uncomfortable with doing this. If you wish to bring a friend or relative with you to the appointment this is permitted.

You may be asked to perform some simple stretches and movements, if you are able to do so, in order to assess how your body adapts to this. This stage may also involve some other testing such as checking reflexes and blood pressure if specific to your individual case.
Afterwards a detailed explanation will be provided about what has been found and a working diagnosis and an individual treatment plan given. If you are not suitable for osteopathic treatment your practitioner will advise you of this at this stage and give you an alternative referral, if this needs further medical attention a letter to your GP may be provided.
Treatment will tend to consist of manual techniques including stretching, massage and gentle movements of joints. Further advice can also be provided at this stage including things you can also be doing at home and exercises that may help with your complaint which can aid with your recovery, prevent worsening of symptoms and reoccurrence where possible.
Feel free to email or call us at Total Motion to find out more about the services we offer or to book an appointment, Call us on 0203 1435051, email or book online.
Get in Touch
Open Hours
Mon – Fri — 8:00am – 8:00pm
Saturday — 8:00am – 6:00pm
Sunday — Closed

Total Motion Osteopathy
145 St. Margarets Rd